
This is the Home of Interrupt

Rap metal from Germany

Full-length debut album, Information Warfare

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Pre-production begins

Jan 4th, 2022

Almost half a year after releasing Information Warfare, I look back on it with mixed feelings. It is certainly a strong debut, but it also falls short in many ways, and therefore does not fulfill this vision that's been haunting me for the past decade. This means it is time for to commence work on the next iteration of INTERRUPT. A multitude of weaknesses have been identified, and a plan has been drawn up for their remediation. Both the instrumentation and lyrical concept are to receive a significant overhaul, while technical improvements of the production process will allow for a better sound. I don't expect a release to occur any earlier than 2023, maybe even 2024, depending on the challenges I will face. Stay tuned and tell your friends! James Vile, INTERRUPT

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